The aim of the Medical Viva is to test the ability of a candidate to assess a specific medical condition to a standard appropriate for a pre-anaesthesia consultation
It does not address other anaestheisa-related issues.
- HISTORY: including relevant negatives, risk factors where relevant, family and social history (where relevant to risk)
- Elicit PHYSICAL SIGNS – in the absence of clinical signs on the day of examination, the candidate should demonstrate seeking those signs that might be expected for the condition
- Determination of FUNCTIONAL STATUS
- Interpretation of investigations relevant to the assessment of patients for anaestheisa or anticipating peri-operative complications.
- SYNTHESIS of the history, examination and risk factors in the presentation of findings. The candidate should not simply repeat what occurred in the history/examination room. This might include comment on natural history of the disorder and where the patient fits in that continuum, evaluation of the risk of surgery and anaesthesia, analgesia and the peri-operative period on the disease state, management of the condition.
- PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE and communication
Here are a few videos demonstrating medical vivas