DARWIN ASA NZSA Combined Scientific Congress Sept 2015

Darwin Scientific Congress – experience it again!


A combined ASA and NZSA meeting occurs every 5 years. Darwin Convention Centre was a outstanding venue for a great meeting. Refresher courses, workshops, opportunities to complete mandatory emergency responses and other optional CPD activities were of a very high standard.


Our own South Australian Professor John West (now from San Diego) lived up to “legend” status and did not disappoint. The other Northern Territory, National and International presenters and participants came together to remind us that our specialty has a strong academic, scientific and collegiate foundation and future.



For the first time, all of the plenaries, refreshers and some of the other sessions were recorded as either full video or as audio synched with slides. As a conference and member benefit, ASA members will be able to view and re-view these via a link on the ASA website asa.org.au


We are all looking forward to next ASA conference in Melbourne in 2016!